Almost 100 per cent tyre recovery rate

Approximately 65,000 tonnes of tyres reach the end of their life in Finland annually. In practice, almost all tyres are collected and recovered by Finnish Tyre Recycling’s recycling system. 

Used tyre arisings and recovery in 2009–2023 (tonnes):

Palauta Ohje Tulosta Lataa CSV
Voit muokata taulukkoa ja tietojen esitysjärjestystä valitsemasi lajittelukriteerin mukaan. Sarakeotsikkoa klikkaamalla taulukon rivit asettuvat joko aakkosjärjestykseen tai kyseisen sarakkeen lukujen väliseen suuruusjärjestykseen. Takaisin taulukon alkuperäiseen muotoon pääset ”Palauta” –painikkeella.
keräys 1996-2023
1996 15372 1352 357 3276 4985
1997 26140 2223 13404 4428 20055
1998 27457 1694 16135 299 18128
1999 28064 1673 23052 248 24973
2000 30474 1241 24563 0 25804
2001 30301 953 40268 0 41222
2002 31986 1039 36674 0 37713
2003 36156 1329 29243 6 30578
2004 37240 1144 35262 0 36406
2005 41774 1633 42746 0 44379
2006 44698 1930 30348 0 32278
2007 47259 295 35500 0 35796
2008 48394 471 42881 0 43352
2009 40523 339 40629 0 29 40997
2010 41435 263 40299 0 0 40562
2023 59342 11 56220 1201 9027 19 66478
2018 57152 642 57386 2030 5997 58 66113
2022 64571 100 63601 2802 9460 32 75998
2011 49137 325 45719 3719 1756 524 52043
2014 49805 923 33943 4013 9141 272 48292
2013 50111 719 37771 4102 7710 379 50681
2012 48343 744 34512 5129 5497 892 46774
2020 61089 147 51949 5743 3061 32 60933
2021 64999 47 50281 5893 2137 13 58371
2016 53534 485 30631 5963 7364 95 44539
2015 55453 831 34567 6459 10100 296 52253
2017 54940 758 31343 7521 10981 148 50751
2019 61436 376 56802 10733 5958 67 73935
Yht 1257185 23687 1033086 65308 96446 2856 2478568
Vataanotto Pinnotuk Materiahyštk Muu hyotyk Energia Vienti Hyotyk Yht
Collection  Retreating Mat Recovery Other Recov Energy Export Total

The attached Excel sheet lists Finnish Tyre Recycling's recovery and reutilisation rates since 1996. The statistics are updated twice yearly.

Renkaat OlympiastadionillaThe recycling system has received approximately 1,000,000 tonnes of tyres in total. This enormous quantity can be put into perspective by measuring it against the size of the Helsinki Olympic Stadium. The sporting venue would currently be in the process of being filled for the third time, if it was filled up to the Olympic Tower height.